Last night I had a dream there was a huge theater. The earth controllers were there backstage with a quantum simulator, laughing at how we can all be manipulated sooooooo easy after the "virus". All the world leaders were also together backstage, behind the curtain in the theater; excited, giggling, smirking and preparing to go on stage to divide the world and make people fight even more. They love war and the profits made from it. Each "leader" had their part/role to play and the even the ones who played enemies were not at all - they just pretended to be.
Then I saw the audience, some of them were from Canada and as the “show” was running a tad late, the Canadians starting sharing what they saw take place across the land. The vibration of the audience filled with so much love and calm and POTENTIAL... more people in the audience started also waking up, realizing they were attending a world wide corrupted human control show.
Then, with the energy of consciousness combined with love from their hearts (that had been very suppressed out of fears and oppression these last two years) the backstage quantum simulator machine shattered, the power of it caused the curtain to fall and as the audience saw the leaders out of character, finally the fourth wall broke!
Everyone asked for their money back from the expensive tickets they paid so much for and had given all their power and imagination away to be "entertained". The audience decided to stop entering these theaters, paying to watch the shows, take back their power and start creating their own systems, worlds and ways.
What if more of us took back our Creator given powers and stopped feeding the monsters who energize off manipulating and lying to the masses?